Happy Valentine's Day! LOVE IS THE SOURCE OF THE FUTURE. Love is . . . The fury of the storm, The calm in the rainbow. LOVE IS THE SOURCE OF PASSION. LOVE IS THE SOURCE OF REALITY. LOVE IS THE SOURCE OF UNITY. LOVE IS THE SOURCE OF SUCCESS. ― Susan Polis Schutz Love is in the air. Love is in the air. I often wondered why we are so hooked onto this saying. The closest that I have come, is found in the teachings of Kabbalah. We are all created as one Kli (vessel) called Adam ha Rishon (The First Man). We are held together as part of a single system. At some point of time the spiritual structure of Adam ha Rishon was shattered into numerous particles. These particles are individual souls that clothe our physical mechanism in this world...... Definitely a very poetic answer to my seeking! Today is Valentine's Day. It is the "official day" to express love, to monetize love and to spread love. Anything goes in the name of love. Love is an age old abstraction that poets have been mystified by it, philosophers often ponder about it and scientists have claimed to have found it: the DMT molecule. Now, we in the marketing world are playing catch up to the Man of God, the spectacular Marketing Mogul of all times - St. Valentine. We are passionately in love with "Lovable Marketing" As company brands are making the transition from the dictatorial board rooms to the democratic digital market place, creating marketing pieces that inspire people is a necessary step in the game of survival. To be a customer centric brand is the elevated game that we now have to be active participants of. The present day Marketing Magnates including, Seth Godin, Peter O’Neill, Mari Smith, Ekaterina Walter and others are preacing the same gospel. They talk about how to elevate your brand in becoming a commanding world class entity. They all talk about spreading the love. Take a look! Your events and your trade show exhibit design is an extension of the "lovable marketing" that you are constantly creating. In the virtual world of e-mails and social media, trade shows are the manifested realities that you can literally scuplt out. It carries the essence of your brand. Again, according to the kabbalah and modern science, the 4.6% of our physical reality is made of 'Matter' and 'Form in Matter'. The rest is 'Abstract Form' and 'Essence'. If your exhibit is 'Matter', the design of your exhibit is a 'Form in Matter', your brand presentation, your brand teachings and your brand behaviour is the 'Abstract Form' and 'Essence'. "People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel." Feeling resonates in eternity. Hence the story of Valentine have survived the slaughter of the most brutal times. Because, it conveys 'Abstract Form'. We get to nourish our own 'Essence'. What is true for our biological spirit is also true for our corporate essence. It is your Brand. Articles you might like
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September 2020
Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly. Franz Kafka |